Every quarter we share a newsletter with everyone in the WelMac circle, to keep everyone up to date on the most recent developments within the company and the macadamia industry.
Reisverslag van het bezoek aan Welgevonden van Gerhard van Vrijaldenhoven, die recentelijk de boerderij heeft bezocht om met eigen ogen te zien wat er allemaal gebeurd en zelf een beter begrip te krijgen van de processen op de boerderij!
Reisverslag van Bart Tom, hij bezocht Welgevonden op dinsdag 6 februari 2024.
In this video Geoff Lawton, one of the pioneers of permaculture and food forests, explains how it grows, how it works and how to incorporate animals as well.
We are proud to announce that Welmac is Global GAP certified
‘love macadamia’ is about embracing the perfectly imperfect. We recognise that life’s terrain is unique, much like the shape of the macadamia nuts we love oh so much. An initiative from the World Macadamia Organisation.
This report elaborates on labour market characteristics and wage development in South Africa, reflects on a minimum wage vs living wage gap for Limpopo province and indicates how Welmac is planning to address this gap.
Welmac wants to expand its farm, develop additional macadamia orchards and at the same time blend macadamia farming with regenerative agricultural practices to create a biodiverse natural environment.
definitieve jaarrekening 2020
Ieder kwartaal delen we een nieuwsbrief met de WelMac circle, hierin houden we graag iedereen op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen binnen de onderneming.
As our food forest grows we gladly provide you with updates and images!
ieder kwartaal delen we een nieuwsbrief met de WelMac circle, hierin houden we graag iedereen op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen binnen de onderneming.
WelMac started a project on our farm where we plan to dedicate our excess hectares or areas unsuitable for macadamias, to plant indigenous species that will produce food and organic matter to improve the soil and retain water.
Hier vind u de nieuwsbrief over het derde kwartaal van 2021, met de laatste ontwikkelingen en updates vanuit WelMac.
WelMac is actief bezig de bijenpopulatie te vergroten op de boerderij. In de laatste maanden zijn er 8 nieuwe korven geplaatst waar inmiddels 6 bijenvolken zijn ingetrokken. Binnenkort voegt WelMac wellicht de Macadamia honing toe aan haar assortiment!
As we are very involved with the local wildlife and are happy to see many species returning to our farm, we have place some cameras and will post some photos here.
Fortunately our farm is very photogenic! Every now and then we will post some photos so everyone can keep track on the growth of the trees and development of the farm.
Every quarter WelMac publishes a newsletter to inform the 'WelMac Circle' of all the new developments throughout the WelMac group.
In Januari 2019 we started using the 'Netafim Ultra Low Flow Drip Fertigation System', since then we have been realising water savings of up to 60% compared to our previous consumption, meanwhile our trees are getting all the water and fertiliser they need on a daily basis.
Here is a short preview of the documentary thats now published on the front page of our website.
A short item on WelMac at RTLZ - Doe maar duurzaam.
A great article on the website of DGGF, about how WelMac went 'Off Grid' and installed a solar plant on her farm with help of funding from the Dutch government.
Martine Hauwert had a conversation in Let's Talk Business op New Business Radio with Nicolas en Nick Grooss, father and son and founders of WelMac.
NIS Boere is a local production in South Africa, aiming to inspire farmers to show whats possible to achieve, by showing exceptionally performing farmers in all different areas.